Strains of Violin
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What inspires my choice of programme for the concerts I offer is my desire to bring beauty and discovery, creativity and modernity.

Alongside famous repertory pieces, I always like to include seldom-performed pieces, music which speaks of our times, compositions inspired for those specific concerts.

The choice of places has great significance for me: to play high in the mountains, in a cave, on the street, in planetariums, has proved to be a means of exploring new communicative potential of music.

Moreover, I love demolishing the invisible barrier which is often created between the artiste and the audience: by using the space differently, and my words giving suggestions, I try to foster a more intimate and personal listening experience.

Some of the themes I have recently used for concert programmes are:

- "Suoni di violino a Venezia", (Strains of violin in Venice), in which I perform a repertory of Venetian music for solo violin (Albinoni, Vivaldi, De Guarnieri, Maderna, Sanvido, etc);

- "Venice and Punjab, water memoirs", in which the "aquatic" origins of Venice and of the Punjab region were described in music through collaboration with artists from the Sikh and Sufi tradition;

- "The time of a star", a multimedial event dedicated to the birth of stars, with the projection of images from the Hubble telescope, commentated by pieces of music, and the performance of a piece which uses the "sounds" of five pulsar stars;

- The Palestinian-Israeli issue, where, with the string trio "Triodellarco", alongside repertory pieces we play pieces dedicated to the Palestinian and Israeli situation (traditional Palestinian and klezmer music, "degenerate music" by Krasa and Klein, pieces dedicated to the conflict);

I have collaborated with artists (painters, dancers and actors) on several other occasions, during specially designed events.